Results have been submitted. Click the link below to take a look!
Nov 2022 TRC Member Meeting

Club meeting this Thursday. Lots going on!! We’ve got to finish up final things for our club’s first ever trail run and it’s officer election time! We’ll be at Core Cycle & Outdoor this meeting so shirts will be ready for packet pickup on Friday.
Tupelo Trail Shuffle in 3 Weeks

Register for the Inaugural Tupelo Trail Shuffle by clicking the link below!
2022 Hope Continues 5K Results
Results can be found at the link below:
Oct 2022 Members Meeting…Finally

The long anticipated, slightly overdue meeting/ packet party/ volunteer meeting is tomorrow at Core Cycle & Outdoor.
Oct 2022 Members Meeting Postponed…Again
Seems to be some trouble lining things and people up. No meeting tonight, 10/20/2022. Announcement will be made once a meeting has been verified to happen. Again, we apologize for any inconveniences.
Oct 2022 Member Meeting

We apologize for this last minute notice, but due to many different circumstances we are having to postpone this weeks TRC meeting until next week.
However, if you would still like to go downtown tomorrow evening, Tupelo Schools will be having their homecoming parade. Starts at 4 PM!
Hope Continues 5K This Month

Hope Continues 5K is 4 weeks away! Register using the link below:
Hope Continues 5K Registration
TRC and Locals Run for Eliza

This morning, over 100 runners and walkers completed multiple distances in Downtown Tupelo to finish Eliza Fletcher’s run. Today marks one week since her life was needlessly taken while out on her morning run in Memphis, TN.
Huge THANK YOU goes out to the individuals that had the idea of hosting an event to honor Eliza Fletcher. Also, thanks to our Lee County Sheriff’s Department and Tupelo Police Department for safety patrol, plus Tupelo Running Club and Tupelo Coca Cola for the safety lights and water. Thank you Daniella Oropeza & WTVA 9 News, along with the Daily Journal, for coming out so early in the morning to document this tribute!
Links to photos and videos about the event below:
2022 Tupelo Marathon and 14.2 Race Results
The Results are posted!